Post-Contract Consultancy Services
In Al Khail Company, our contract management strategy encompasses a comprehensive approach that covers various types of company agreements, ranging from standard employment contracts to highly specific and complex deals. Our post-contract services include:
Tendering Services
- Establishing conditions of contracts
- Pre-qualifying tenders
- Issuing invitations to tenders
- Conducting tender analysis
- Preparing final reports and contract awards

Tender Analysis & Negotiation
- Ensuring transparency in the process
- Adhering to accepted and understandable practices
- Compliance with standardization policies
- Promoting fairness to all parties involved
- Encouraging healthy competition
- Simplifying the comparison of offers
- Maintaining an audit trail
Contract Award
- Developing contract documents and plans
- Assembling the project team and contract structure
- Formulating a contract strategy
- Conducting risk assessments, inspections, and addressing warranty aspects
- Drafting specifications and requirements
- Establishing pre-qualification, qualification, and tendering procedures
- Evaluating tenders, negotiations, and supplier appraisals
- Preparing Invitation to Tender (ITT) documents
- Evaluating tenderers and facilitating negotiations
- Finalizing the contract award process

Program Management Services
- Creating project lifecycle schedules
- Managing project costs
- Handling stakeholders effectively
- Managing communication channels
- Ensuring quality assurance and control
- Efficiently managing resources
- Overseeing procurement activities
- Maintaining document control and dissemination processes
- Facilitating the handover stage